For all court appointments submitted to the Court Appointed Attorney Program on March 20, 2024 forward please use the below fee schedule and forms.

Court-appointed attorneys may submit invoices electronically to using the revised billing forms embedded in the below fee schedule for all cases billed on or after March 20, 2024. All invoices must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the case’s conclusion and must be accompanied by the court’s Order of Appointment. Attorneys will need a valid vendor number to submit invoices, please contact the Court Appointed Attorney Program if you need assistance.

 @ $100/hrNew Capest. hours
§40-10B-9Kinship Guardianship{1,800.00}18
§40-4-8Domestic Relations{1,600.00}16
§32A-5-16TPR/Private Adoption{1,600.00}16
Rule 1-017Parties plaintiff/defendant; capacity GAL{1,400.00}14
§45-5-303(C)Appt. of GAL for Incapacitated Person{1,400.00}14
§43-1-4Adult Commitment/Treatment Guardian{150.00}1.5
§24-1-15Medical isolation or quarantine{200.00}2
§32A-6A-13Juvenile Commitment/Treatment Guardian{100.00}1
§27-7-27Adult Protective Services{400.00}4
§40-11A-641(A)Adjudication of Paternity –Respondent{700.00}7
GAL Adjudication of Paternity or Denial of Genetic Testing (GAL or Respondent){400.00}4

Other qualifying cases** up to $700.00 dependent on complexity and case type    

{**such as TRO cases with a respondent minor or other interest of justice appointments}

Appointed counsel may seek, on cases with Complex Litigation, a one-time request for an adjustment to the cap by submitting a written request for review to CAAP.