Can you give me an attorney?
The Court Appointed Attorney Program does not provide attorneys to individuals but is a program that handles the paperwork and payment of an attorney when the Judge assigns an attorney to certain civil cases. If you have a criminal case you can contact the Law Offices of the Public Defender (LOPD) and if you have a case in Children’s Court under the Abuse & Neglect Act you can contact the Office of Family Representation and Advocacy (OFRA).
In what kind of case does the Court Appointed Attorney Program pay the attorneys?
The Court Appointed Attorney Program is responsible for providing payment in many types of civil matters and a list of the common case types can be found here (along with rates, billing forms, and statute numbers) but other cases may require the appoint of counsel where the Court finds it is in the interest of justice to appoint an attorney.
I am an attorney who has been appointed on a case, how do I get paid?
When you are appointed to represent someone by the Court you should receive an Order of Appointment that details how your fee will be paid. If that Order reflects that the Administrative Office of the Courts will be responsible for paying the appointed attorney you will invoice this division based upon the fee schedule once your role in the case has concluded. Using the forms located on this website you will need to submit a completed invoice accompanied by the Order of Appointment. Each attorney or firm submitting an invoice will need a state-issued Vendor number.
How do I get a Vendor number?
If you contact our office by emailing we can connect you with the fiscal division who will assist you in obtaining the Vendor number.